Inclusive Religious Curriculum


The Inclusive Religious Curriculum, developed for children in Muslim communities across Burundi was inspired by foundational values found in both the Qur’an and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. These values - protecting the environment, equality, economic independence, and human rights - are pivotal to the successful development of a community and therefore essential aspects of any child’s education. The material includes human rights values substantiated by the Qur’anic and Hadith, is presented in such a way that students will not only understand Islamic teachings but will live out its values.

Curriculum Themes


Theme 1

This theme covers women’s and girls’ rights to self-determination, education, reproductive rights, economic independence, and equal inheritance.

Theme 2

This theme covers the respect for other religions, the right for a non-Muslim to practice her/her religion in the context of Freedom of Religion and Belief is woven into several story lines.

Theme 3

This theme covers various issues toward attaining Sustainable Development and environmental protection with reminders of the Quranic mandate to protect our water and natural resources and as well as that of animals.

Our Approach

The goal of the Inclusive Religious Curriculum is not just to teach Muslim children about human rights values and pillars of the Sustainable Development Goals, but also to demonstrate that these values are embedded in the teachings of the Qur’an and the hadith. For far too long, Islamic schools and curriculums have been hijacked by extremists who teach a warped, oppressive, and intolerant interpretation of Islam, in a which that then spreads across communities. Our method of teaching is also a departure from the usual verbal and physical abuse experienced by many Muslim children. Our teaching method engages the students with critical thinking, with conversations, and most importantly, it gives the teachers and imams a new way of teaching, one that our network of imams (see #ImamsForShe Champions) find of great value.

By incorporating Quranic verses and hadith into each lesson to support the universal human rights values, we share the true Islamic teachings with the students, a teaching that promotes unity and harmony across our societies. Each lesson is structured around a theme, with a scripted dialogue, a comic strip, a game, and thinking exercises to help the teachers effectively present the material while ensuring the students are engaged and most importantly, discovering a new love for learning while being anchored in their Muslim identity.

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Lesson Examples

Partner With Us

Are you interested in partnering with us to bring our curriculum to your school? Want to share a funding opportunity? Have a question about our curriculum content? Please get in touch with us below!