Female Genital Mutilation

MPV’s Stance on Female Genital Mutilation

  • We affirm that Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is an assault on the rights and bodily autonomy of women and young girls.

  • We affirm that the practice of FGM is not only violent, barbaric, and inhumane, but entirely contrary to the teachings of Islam, including the teachings of the Qur'an and Hadith.

  • We acknowledge the teachings of Islam to be against the mutilation of one's body or another person's body in any way, shape or form.

  • We are adamant in our beliefs that a person, institution, country, or government cannot identify as "Muslim" or "Islamic" when it condones the bodily harm, mutilation, and humiliation of women and girls."


Impermissibility of FGM in the Islamic Faith

One of the core aspects of MPV’s mission is education on the various progressive issues we have identified as key to the Progressive Muslim movement.

Without accessible and easily understood content though, education of the general public, (Muslim and non-Muslim), is impossible and the myths and misinterpretations that patriarchal scholars publish will continue to prevail.

In an effort to educate individuals on the forbidden nature of FGM in Islam we’ve created this one page resource to be disseminated across relevant audiences and communities. PDF copies are available for your convenience to download and utilize as you see fit, but we ask that credit be given to Muslims for Progressive Values at all times.



FGM Resources

The Golden Book - Target, a German Human Rights Organization

Das Goldene Buch (The Golden Book) - Target e.V. Ruediger Nehberg

Theologians Battle Female Circumcision - Amira El Ahl

Delinking Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting From Islam - Ibrahim Lethome Asmani & Maryam Sheikh Abdi

Sauti Yetu - A multi-issue US community-based organization that works with African immigrant women and families on issues such as female genital mutilation and cutting (FGM/C), early and forced marriages, education and gender.

FGMC - An educational toolkit for providers and survivors.

Gender-Based Violence Pamphlet - Blue Campaign


Islam and Female Genital Mutilation Part I

Islam and Female Genital Mutilation Part II

Islam and Female Genital Mutilation Part III