Progressive Muslim Identities Anthology

Progressive Muslim Identities Anthology


With a foreword by Aasif Mandvi, who spoke about his experience writing the introduction at our book launch, Progressive Muslim Identities answers the often-heard question “Where are the progressive Muslims?” with a resounding “We are here, and have been all along.” In this anthology, gay, straight, Black, white, and brown Muslims from the United States and Canada narrate their personal stories. Challenged and mobilized by the tragedy of 9/11, intolerant interpretations of Islam, and increasing Islamophobia, these writers shatter stereotypes and caricatures with their compelling prose and poetry. Their autobiographical essays, interviews, and poems demonstrate that Muslims, like everyone, have multiple and shifting identities. The twenty contributors are from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences that reflect the diversity in the Muslim community at large: African, African American, Arab, European, Asian, South Asian, lawyers, engineers, artists, teachers, social workers, activists, mothers, fathers, and others. They write with candor and courage about navigating the complexities of daily life with their faith and progressive values as their compass. Their powerful voices highlight human dignity, freedom to chose how one lives out one’s faith, and the inner strength it takes to do so. With an engaging and heartfelt foreword by comedian Aasif Mandvi, Progressive Muslim Identities fills a gap in the current discourse on Islam as a living and lived religion.

Contributors: Daayiee Abdullah, Ismail Butera, Sumaya Cole, Patrica Duna, Mona Eltahawy, Jack Fertig, Yarehk Hernandez, Nakia Jackson, Afdhere Jama, El-Farouk Khaki, Shahla Khan Salter, Ameena Meer, Ahmed Morsy, Tynan Power, Rab Razak, M. Ameerah Saleem, Dizery Salim, Olivia Samad, Sahira Traband, Ani Zonneveld

Editors: Vanessa Karam, Olivia Samad, and Ani Zonneveld

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